Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung: Vol. VIII


Talks at the Nanning Conference  (January 11, 12, 1958)

To the Kwangsi Regional Party Committee on Newspapers  (January 12, 1958)

Speech at the Supreme State Conference [excerpts] (28 January 1958)

Red and Expert  (January 31, 1958)

Sixty Points on Working Methods - A Draft Resolution from the Office of the Centre of the CPC  (February 2, 1958)

Talks at the Chengtu Conference  (March 1958)

National Minorities  (March 1958)

Speech at the Hankow Conference  (April 6, 1958)

Introducing a Co-Operative  (April 15, 1958)

Speeches at the Second Session of the Eighth Party Congress  (May 8-23, 1958)

Speech at the Conference of Heads of Delegations to the Second Session of the 8th Party Congress  (May 18 1958)

Speech at the Group Leaders Forum of the Enlarged Meeting of the Military Affairs Committee [excerpts]  (28 June 1958)

Communes Are Better  (August 9, 1958)

Speech at the Supreme State Conference  (September 8, 1958)

Interview with a Hsinhua news Agency Correspondent  (September 29, 1958)

The Masses Can Do Anything  (September 29, 1958)

Instructions  (June-September 1958)

On Huan Hsiang's Comment on the Disintegration of the Western World  (November 25, 1958)

A Letter to Chou Shih-chou  (November 25, 1958)

Speech at the First Chingchow Conference  (November 1958)

On the Question of Whether Imperialism and all Reactionaries are Real Tigers  (December 1, 1958)

Talks with the Directors of Various Cooperative Areas  (November, December 1958)

Speech at the Sixth Plenum of the Eighth Central Committee  (December l9, 1958)

Reply to Article "Tsinghua University Physics Teaching and Research Group Inclines Toward the 'Left' Rather Than Right in Handling Teachers"  (December 22, 1958)

Speech At Conference Of Provincial And Municipal Committee Secretaries  (February 2, 1959)

Talk At Symposium Of Hsin, Lo, Hsu And Hsin Local Committees  (February 21, 1959)

Speech At Cheng-chow  (February 27, 1959)

Intra Party Correspondence (March 1959)

Comment On T’ao Lu-Ch’ieh’s Report On The Five-Level Cadre Conference  (March 30, 1959)

Intra Party Correspondence  (April 29, 1959)

Talk At Seventh Plenum Of The Eighth Central Committee  (April 1959)

Sixteen Articles Concerning Work Methods  (May 1959)

Several Important Instructions  (June 29, July 2, 1959)

Speech at the Lushan Conference  (23 July 1959)

Talk At The 8th Plenary Session Of The CPC 8th Central Committee (August 2, 1959)

Letter To Chang Wen-tien [excerpt]  (August 2, 1959)

Comment On A Report: 'The Tao-chu Production Brigade Of Tan-ling Commune In Pingchiang County, Hunan, Abolished Scores Of Mess-halls And Then Restored Them Again'  (August 5, 1959)

Comment On Two Reports: "The Situation Of Wang-kuo-fan Commune Has Always Been Very Good" And "Who Are The People Engaged In Idle Talks Now In The Countryside"  (August 6, 1959)

Comment On A Report On Secretary Chang Kai-fan Of Secretariat Of CPC Anhwei Provincial Committee Giving Order To Abolish Mess-Halls In Wu-Wei County  (August 10, 1959)

Comment On The Report On Liaoning Province Carrying Out CPC Central Committee’s Directive To Oppose Right-Deviation [excerpt]  (August 12, 1959)

Concerning Mei Sheng's "Chi Fa"  (August 16, 1959)

Why Do Right Opportunists Now Launch An Offensive?  (August 16, 1959)

Comment On Chang Wen-tien's Letter  (August 18, 1959)

Comment on Peng Te-huai's Letter of 9 September  (September 9, 1959)

Speech at the Enlarged Session of the Military Affairs Committee and the External Affaris Conference (11 September 1959)

Intra-Party Correspondence  (11 October 1959)

Comment on Reply to Comrades A.V. Sanina and V.G. Vinshire  (Circa 1959)

Evamples of Dialectics (Abstracted Compilation)  (1959)

Note On The "Charter Of The Anshan Iron And Steel Company"  (March 22, 1960)

On The Anti-China Question  (March 22, 1960)

Comments On Vice Premier Nieh Jung-chen’s Report On The Technical Revolution  (March 25, 1960)

The People Of Asia, Africa And Latin America Should Unite And Drive American Imperialism Back To Where It Came From  (May 7, 1959)

Summing Up Ten Years  (June 18, 1960)

Dissemination Of The CC, CPC’s Criticism Of The Shansi Provincial Party Committee’s Report On The Rural Labor Force Problem  (October 27, 1960)

Opinion On The Free Supply System  (1960)

Classical Works Recommended To High-Ranking Cadres  (1960)

Principles Of Educating Youth  (1960)

Directive On The Question Of Class Distinction

Speech At The Ninth Plenum Of The Eighth CPC Central Committee  (January 18, 1961)

Preface To “Oppose Book Worship?/A> (March 11, 1961)

To The Communist Labour University In Kiangsi  (August 1, 1961)

Talk At An Enlarged Working Conference Convened By The Central Committee Of The Communist Party Of China  (30 January 1962)

Speech At The Tenth Plenum Of The Eighth Central Committee  (24 September 1962)

Reading Notes on the Soviet Text ‘Political Economy?/A>  (1961-1962)

Concerning ‘Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR?/A>  (November 1958)

Critique of Stalin’s ‘Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR?/A> (1961)

All remaining documents from this volume are forthcoming.




Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung